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QTS 5.0.x

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Generating Thumbnails for Multimedia Files

Multimedia Console generates thumbnails for multimedia files to improve browsing.

  • Thumbnail generation is enabled by default if Multimedia Services is enabled.

  • You can disable thumbnail generation in the upper right of the screen.

  • Generating thumbnails may affect system performance.

  1. Open Multimedia Console.
  2. Perform any of the following tasks.



    Pause thumbnail generation

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Status.

    2. Next to Progress, click Pause.

      The Pause window opens.

    3. Select Pause.

    4. Click OK.


    Click Resume when thumbnail generation is paused to resume thumbnail generation.

    Postpone thumbnail generation

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Status.

    2. Next to Progress, click Pause.

      The Pause window opens.

    3. Select Postpone.

      1. Select the duration.

    4. Click OK.


    Click Resume when thumbnail generation is postponed to resume thumbnail generation.

    Remove thumbnails

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Status.

    2. Under Used, click Remove All Thumbnails.

      A dialog box appears.

    3. Click OK.

    Regenerate thumbnails

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Status.

    2. Under Used, click Regenerate All Thumbnails.

      A dialog box appears.

    3. Click OK.



    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Schedule.

    2. Select Generate in real time.

    Multimedia Console generates thumbnails for new files as soon as they are detected.

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Schedule.

    2. Select Generate using schedule.

    Multimedia Console generates thumbnails according to a specified schedule.


    When selected, you must specify a thumbnail generation schedule.

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Schedule.

    2. Select Generate manually.

    Multimedia Console generates thumbnails only after clicking Generate Now.


    Click Generate Now to force Multimedia Console to start generating thumbnails immediately.



    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Advanced Settings.

    2. Select Large thumbnails.

    When selected, Multimedia Console generates high-resolution thumbnails (2160 pixels) for media files.

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Advanced Settings.

    2. Select Image quality.

    Select High or Low.


    Click See the difference to view a side-by-side comparison of high- and low-quality thumbnails.

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Advanced Settings.

    2. Select Excluded file sizes.

    Multimedia Console only generates thumbnails for images that are larger than the specified resolution.

    1. Go to Thumbnail Generation > Advanced Settings.

    2. Select Excluded file types.

    Multimedia Console will not generate thumbnails for the selected file types.