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QTS 5.0.x

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Cache Acceleration Requirements

  • The NAS model must support Cache Acceleration.

    For information about NAS and drive bay compatibility, see https://www.qnap.com/solution/ssd-cache.

  • The NAS must have one or more free SSDs installed in a compatible drive bay.

  • The NAS must have a suitable amount of installed memory.

    The amount of memory required depends on the size of the SSD cache.

SSD Cache Size

Required Memory

QTS 4.5.x (and earlier)

QTS 5.0.0 (and later)

512 GB

≧ 1 GB


1 TB

≧ 4 GB

≧ 2 GB

2 TB

≧ 8 GB


4 TB

≧ 16 GB

≧ 4 GB

8 TB


≧ 8 GB (ARM CPU)

16 TB


≧ 8 GB (x86 CPU)


ARM-based NAS running QTS 4.5.x (or earlier) are limited to an SSD cache size of 1 TB.