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QTS 5.0.x

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Accessing the NAS Using Qmanager

  1. Install Qmanager on an Android or iOS device.

    To download Qmanager, go to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

  2. Open Qmanager.
  3. Tap Add NAS.

    Qmanager automatically searches for all QNAP NAS devices on the network.

  4. Locate the NAS in the list, and then tap the name or IP address.
  5. Specify your username and password.
  6. Optional: If your mobile device and NAS are not connected to the same subnet, perform one of the following actions.



    Add NAS manually

    1. Tap Add NAS manually.

    2. Specify the following information.

      • Host name or IP address of the NAS

      • Password of the admin account

    3. Tap Save.

    Sign in using QID

    1. Tap Sign in QID.

    2. Specify the following information.

      • Email address that you used to create your QNAP account

      • Password of your QNAP account

    3. Tap Sign in.

    4. Locate the NAS in the list, and then tap the name or IP address.