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QTS 5.0.x

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Using the Smart File Filter to Search for Files and Folders

The Smart File Filter allows you to apply a set of search criteria to all of your folders. When you click a folder, the feature automatically filters your files and folders by the search criteria.


You can only search folders and files under the same folder level with Smart File Filter. Basic or advanced search will search all data in the specified folders and corresponding subfolders.

  1. Open File Station.
  2. Near the top-right corner, click .

    The Smart File Filter screen appears.

  3. Specify at least one of the following fields.




    Searches by file or folder name.


    Searches a file or folder greater than or less than a specified size.

    Modified Date

    Searches before, on, or after a specific date or a date within a range.


    Searches by a file type.


    Searches for files and folders in the specified category.

  4. Click Search.

    File Station turns on the Smart File Filter and filters by the specified criteria.