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QuTS hero 5.0.x

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Sorting and Filtering System Logs

  1. Log in to Console Management, and then enter 2.

    Eleven options appear.

  2. Enter the alphanumeric character corresponding with the action you want to perform.

    System logs are displayed in the following format: record_id, date, time, user, app_id, application, category_id, category, msg_id, message.


    User Action

    date in ascending order

    Enter 1.

    Console Management displays all system logs in ascending order according to the date.

    date in descending order (default)

    Enter 2.

    Console Management displays all system logs in descending order according to the date.

    user in ascending order

    Enter 3.

    Console Management displays all system logs in ascending order according to the username.

    user in descending order

    Enter 4.

    Console Management displays all system logs in descending order according to the username.

    IP in ascending order

    Enter 5.

    Console Management displays all system logs in ascending order according to the IP address.

    IP in descending order

    Enter 6.

    Console Management displays all system logs in descending order according to the IP address.

    app name in ascending order

    Enter 7.

    Console Management displays all system logs in ascending order according to the application name.

    app name in descending order

    Enter 8.

    Console Management displays all system logs in descending order according to the application name.

    category in ascending order

    Enter 9.

    Console Management displays all system logs in ascending order according to the application category.

    category in descending order

    Enter 10.

    Console Management displays all system logs in descending order according to the application category.

    The filter screen appears.

  3. Optional: Enter a filter query.
    • Ensure all filter conditions follow the relevant on-screen format. For example, filtering by an application name should follow this format: A={myQNAPcloud}.

    • To filter by multiple conditions, use '&' in between filters. For example, filtering by severity level and an application name should follow this format: T={0}&A={myQNAPcloud}.


    User Action

    Severity level

    1. Enter one of the following options.

      • T={0}


        This filter only includes system logs classified as information. This type of system log is indicated as in QuLog Center.

      • T={1}


        This filter only includes system logs classified as warnings. This type of system log is indicated as in QuLog Center.

      • T={2}


        This filter only includes system logs classified as errors. This type of system log is indicated as in QuLog Center.

    Console Management filters all system logs according to the specified severity level.


    Enter a keyword.

    Console Management filters all system logs according to the specified keyword.


    Type an username.

    Console Management filters all system logs according to the specified username.

    Source IP

    Enter a source IP.

    Console Management filters all system logs according to the specified source IP.

    Application name

    Enter an application name.

    Console Management filters all system logs according to the specified application name.

    Category name

    Enter an application category.

    Console Management filters all system logs according to the specified category.

    A list of system logs appear.


    To browse your applications, enter n or p to go to the next or previous page.