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QNE Network 1.0.x

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Initializing QuFirewall

This section walks you through the process of configuring QuFirewall. These steps are only required the first time you start QuFirewall.

  1. Open QuFirewall.

    The Get Started wizard opens.

  2. Select a Firewall Profile.



    Basic protection

    Allows access only to the regional domains specified during the next step.

    Include subnets only

    Allows access only to local network sources.

    Restricted security

    Allows access to frequently used service ports from devices on the local network or regional domains.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the region where the device is located.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Optional: Select Enable firewall.

    You must enable the firewall for QuFirewall to take effect. After initialization, you can also enable or disable the firewall anytime by toggling the Firewall switch on the app screen.

  7. Click Finish.

QuFirewall finishes the initialization process.