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QNE Network 1.0.x

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Configuring Memory Preferences

  1. Open Virtualization Station.
  2. Go to Preferences > Memory.
  3. Configure system memory provisioning.



    Memory Reservation

    Reserves a specified amount of memory dedicated to operating your QNAP device

    Using this option ensures that your device has enough memory to run smoothly and that VMs do not use excessive memory.


    By default, this setting is set to None. This allocates all memory to running virtual machines, but might result in insufficient memory for your QNAP device.

    Memory Overcommitment

    Allows you to allocate more virtual memory to VMs than is present on the physical device


    To ensure services run correctly, QNAP recommends using an overcommitment ratio of less than 50%.

  4. Optional: Enable the Memory Optimizer.

    The memory optimizer controls memory usage for both the physical system and any VMs. This feature allows Virtualization Station to achieve higher memory density on the system by utilizing additional CPU consumption to merge identical memory and dynamic guest memory allocation.

    1. Click Enable memory optimizer.
  5. Click Apply.

Virtualization Station saves the memory settings.