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Qfile Pro 4.x

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Accepting and rejecting team folder invitations

  1. Open Qfile Pro on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the app bar.

    The Device List window appears.

  3. Tap a QNAP device to select it.

    The Folders window appears.

  4. Tap .

    The Share window appears.

  5. Tap Team Folder.
  6. Tap Received.

    Team folders shared from other users to your account on the currently connected QNAP device are displayed.

  7. Identify a team folder.
  8. Perform one of the following actions.



    Accept the team folder invitation

    Tap .

    Reject the team folder invitation

    1. Tap .

    2. Tap Confirm.

    Leave the team folder

    1. Tap .

    2. Tap Confirm.