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QTS 5.1.x

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Creating a local user

  1. Go to Control Panel > Privilege > Users.
  2. Click Create > Create a User.

    The Create a User window appears.

  3. Specify the following information.



    Profile photo

    Optional: Upload a profile photo for the user.

    User Description (optional)

    Specify a user description that contains a maximum of 50 characters.


    Specify a username that contains 1 to 32 characters from any of the following groups:

    • Letters: A to Z, a to z

    • Numbers: 0 to 9

    • Multi-byte characters: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian

    • The username cannot contain the following special characters: grave accent (`), asterisk (*), equal sign (=), plus sign (+), square brackets ([ ]), curly brackets ({}), slash (\), vertical bar (|), semicolon (;), colon (:), apostrophe ('), quotation mark ("), comma (,), less than sign (< ), greater than sign (>), backslash (/), question mark (?), percent sign (%), dollar sign ($), and the space character.


    Specify a password that contains a maximum of 64 ASCII characters.

    Verify Password

    Enter the password again.

    Mobile phone (optional)

    Specify a phone number that will receive SMS notifications from QTS.


    Other NAS users might be able to see this information. If you do not want to share this information, leave the field blank.

    Email (optional)

    Specify an email address that will receive notifications from QTS.

    For details, see Email Notifications.


    Other NAS users might be able to see this information. If you do not want to share this information, leave the field blank.


    A UID is automatically generated for the user. You can also click to specify a custom UID.

    User must change password at first logon

    When selected, the user must change the password when logging in for the first time.

    Send a notification mail to the newly created user (optional)

    When selected, QTS sends a message that contains the following information to the specified email address:

    • Username and password

    • URLs for connecting to the NAS


    You can edit the notification message.

  4. Optional: Add the user to one or more user groups.
    1. Under User Group, click Edit.
    2. Select one or more user groups.
  5. Optional: Specify shared folder permissions for the user.
    1. Under Shared Folder Permission, click Edit.
    2. Select the shared folder permissions for the user.
    3. Optional: Select Apply changes to subfolders.
  6. Optional: Specify application privileges for the user.
    1. Under Edit Application Privilege, click Edit.
    2. Select application permissions for the user.

    QNAP recommends denying access to applications and network services that the user does not require. Users without privileges to specific applications will not see it on their main menu.

  7. Optional: Set a quota for the user.

    This option is only available when quotas are enabled.

    1. Under Quota, click Edit.
    2. Set the quota.
      • No Limit: Quota settings do not apply to the user.

      • Limit disk space to: Specify a quota for the user.

      • Use group quotas: Group quota settings apply to the user.


      Individual quotas may override group quotas. For details, see Quota conflicts.

  8. Click Create.