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QTS 5.1.x

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Configuring the Qtier tiering schedule

Qtier can move data between tiers on a set schedule. NAS access speeds and system performance may decrease while Qtier is moving data.


Schedule Qtier to move data during periods of low usage, such as during the night or on weekends.

  1. Go to Storage & Snapshots > Storage > Storage/Snapshots.
  2. Select a Qtier storage pool.
  3. Click Manage.

    The Storage Pool Management window opens.

  4. Go to the Qtier Auto Tiering tab.
  5. Click Tiering Schedule.

    The Qtier Auto Tiering Schedule Settings window opens.

  6. Select a schedule type.



    Recommended usage

    User Actions

    Automatic data tiering

    Qtier moves data whenever it detects that the Qtier storage pool is idle.

    The NAS has no regular usage pattern. Data may be accessed at any time.

    Select Enable exclusion schedule to specify times that Qtier should not perform data tiering.

    Manually set tiering schedule

    Qtier only move data at the times you specify.

    The NAS has a regular known usage pattern. For example, if the NAS is primarily used in an office environment, Qtier can be scheduled to move data at night and on weekends.

    Specify the hours on the calendar that Qtier should perform data tiering. You can configure the following settings:

    • Start minutes: Auto tiering will start at this number of minutes past the hour.
    • Run now: Start tiering data immediately.
  7. Click Apply.