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QTS 5.1.x

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Acquiring apps and licenses

QTS provides various essential applications to help manage your NAS. In addition to these built-in features, QTS also allows you to install more applications from the App Center to further enhance the functionality of your device. To gain access to certain advanced features and premium products, you must purchase and activate licenses for your device.

  1. Install applications in the App Center.

    App Center provides a wide variety of applications and utilities. You can also manage and update your installed applications in the App Center.

    For details, see App Center.

  2. Purchase licenses in the QNAP Software Store.

    QNAP Software Store is an online store where you can purchase licenses and manage your orders. QNAP provides various types of licenses and subscription plans to meet different needs and usage environments.

    For details, see Licenses.

  3. Activate licenses in the License Center or License Manager.

    Some licenses are automatically activated after being purchased. However, sometimes you must manually activate a license.

    License Center allows you to manage licenses on your local device. License Manager allows you and your organization to manage licenses under your QNAP ID.

    For details, see Licenses.