Configuring the RTRR server
- Open HBS 3.
- Go to Services > RTRR Server.
Configure account access
Shared RTRR server account
This option allows incoming connections to log in with a shared account.
Password: Specify a password.
Verify password: Verify the password.
Note:The password must contain 1 to 32 characters with the following conditions:
Valid characters: A–Z, a–z, 0–9, space ( )
Valid special characters: . - _ ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) { }
Does not start or end with a space ( )
Local NAS accounts
This option allows incoming connections to log in with a local NAS account.
Configure RTRR server
Specifies the port number used to access the local NAS.
Use TCP BBR congestion control
This option optimizes transmissions speeds allowing for higher bandwidth and lower latency.
Note:This setting is only available on x86 64-bit NAS models running QTS 4.4.0 (or later) or QuTS hero h4.5.0 (or later).
Integrate with QuWAN
Allows QuWAN to manage and optimize network traffic for jobs using this service.
Upload limit
Sets the upload rate limit.
Unlimited: No limit is set.
Maximum: Specifies a maximum limit.
Download limit
Sets the download rate limit.
Unlimited: No limit is set.
Maximum: Specifies a maximum limit.
- Optional:
Configure network access
Select Allow approved
If no IP addresses are added, all connections are allowed.
The Approved Connections table appears. -
Click Add.
The Add IP Address window opens.
- Select an IP address version.
- Specify an IP address, or IP address and subnet mask.
- Select an access privilege.
- Click Add.
Select Allow approved
- Click Apply.
HBS 3 saves the RTRR server configuration.