QNAP Authenticator 1.0

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About QNAP Authenticator


QNAP Authenticator is a mobile app that allows you to further enhance your NAS account security with either 2-step verification or passwordless login, both of which use your mobile device to verify your identity in the login process.

2-step verification requires an extra verification step involving your mobile device. For example, after entering your password on the NAS login screen, you still have to enter a security code or scan a QR code.

On the other hand, passwordless login replaces your password with a more secure alternative. Instead of entering a password on the NAS login screen, you scan a QR code or approve a login request with your mobile device to prove your identity.


You cannot enable 2-step verification and passwordles login at the same time.

System Requirements

To use 2-step verification or passwordless login, you must meet the following system requirements.



QNAP Authenticator

  • iOS 14 (or later)

  • Android 7 (or later)

QNAP device

QNAP NAS running one of the following operating systems:

  • QTS 5.1.0 (or later)

  • QuTS hero h5.1.0 (or later)