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QTS 5.0.x

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Getting Started

  1. Create a QNAP ID.

    For details, see Creating a QNAP ID.

  2. Register the device to myQNAPcloud.
  3. Optional: Configure any of the following settings.



    Port forwarding

    Port forwarding allows you to access your device on the internet through a UPnP router.

    For details, see Configuring UPnP Port Forwarding.

    My DDNS

    My DDNS allows you to specify a dedicated myQNAPcloud subdomain name that you can use to access your device on the internet.

    For details, see Configuring DDNS Settings.

    Published services

    You can publish QNAP services on your device, such as the QNAP desktop and File Station, so they can be accessible on myQNAPcloud.

    For details, Configuring Published Services.

    myQNAPcloud Link

    myQNAPcloud Link allows you to access your device on the myQNAPcloud website or through mobile apps and client utilities without changing your router settings. Using shared links, you can also simultaneously download and sync files to a remote device without needing to first save them to client device.

    For details, see Enabling myQNAPcloud Link.

    Access controls

    Access controls allow you to configure device access permissions for myQNAPcloud users.

    For details, see Configuring Device Access Controls.

    SSL certificates

    myQNAPcloud allows you to add SSL certificates to help secure your network communication. You can either download and install a myQNAPcloud or Let's Encrypt certificate.

    For details, see Installing an SSL Certificate.