Editing Shared Folder Permissions

  1. Go to Control Panel > Privilege > Shared Folders > Shared Folder.
  2. Locate a shared folder.
  3. Under Action, click .

    The Edit Shared Folder Permission window appears.

  4. Click on any of the following tabs:
    • Users and groups permission

    • NFS host access

    • Microsoft Networking host access

  5. Perform any of the following tasks.

    Permission Type


    User Action

    Users and groups permission

    Edit user and user group permissions for shared folders that can be accessed through Windows, macOS, FTP, and File Station.

    1. Optional: Select Individual permissions.


      You can't select this for folders mounted by HybridMount using SMD and NFS file protocols. These folders do not support Access-control list (ACL) permission settings. You will also not be able to expand subfolders created through SMB and NFS file protocols.

      When selected, you can appy protocol-specific settings.

      1. Configuring for RW shared folders and RO subfolders:

        1. Select Read/Write permission for each user.

        2. Click to delete the user group Everyone.

        3. Click Apply.

        4. Select a shared folder, and change permission style to Windows Special Permissions.

        5. Click and select the following:
          • Traverse folder / execute file

          • List Folder / read data

          • Read attributes

          • Read extended attributes

          • Create files / write data

          • Create folder / append data

          • Write attributes

          • Write extended attributes

          • Delete (files only)

          • Read permission

        6. Click OK.

        7. Optional: Add a user to the list of users with permissions for the shared folder.

          1. Click Add.

            The Add Users window appears.

          2. Select the following:
            • Create files / write data

            • Create folder / append data

            • Write attributes

            • Write extended attributes

            • Delete (files only)

            • Read permission

          3. Click OK.

            QuTS hero adds the users and their corresponding permissions to the list.

      2. Configuring for RO shared folders and RW subfolders:

        1. Select Read/Write permission for each user.

        2. Go to ACL permission, specify a user, and click Read Only.

        3. Click to delete the user group Everyone.

        4. Click Apply.

        5. Add a user and select Read/Write.

        6. Click Apply.

    2. Optional: Remove a user from the list of users with permissions for the shared folder.

      1. Locate the user you want to remove.

      2. Click .

        QuTS hero removes the user from the list.

    NFS host access

    Edit NFS host access rights for shared folders.

    1. Select Access right to enable NFS access rights.


      You can't select this for folders mounted by HybridMount using SMB file protocol. These folders do not support NFS host access. However, you can still access the NFS host access page.

    2. Optional: Select any of the following options:

      • sync

        Select a sync option for this setting.

      • secure

    3. Under Host / IP / Network, enter an IP address or domain name.

    4. Optional: Add an NFS host.

      Under Allowed IP Address or Domain Name, click Add.

      QuTS hero adds an entry to the list.

    5. Optional: Delete an NFS host.

      1. Select an NFS host from the list.

      2. Click Delete.

    Microsoft Networking host access

    Specify which computers can access shared folders through Microsoft Networking.

    1. Add a Microsoft Networking host.

      1. Click Add.

        QuTS hero adds an entry to the list.

      2. Under Host / IP / Network, enter an IP address or domain name.

    2. Optional: Delete a Microsoft Networking host.

      1. Select a Microsoft Networking host from the list.

      2. Click Delete.

  6. Click Apply.