Modifying the php.ini Maintenance File

This task requires that you enable Web Server.

  1. Log on to QTS as administrator.
  2. Go to Control Panel > Applications > Web Server > Web Server.
  3. Underneath php.ini Maintenance, select one of the following options.


    User Action


    1. Click Upload.

      The Upload php.ini window opens.

    2. Click Browse.

      The Open window opens.

    3. Select a php.ini file.

    4. Click Upload.

      QTS uploads the file.


    1. Click Edit.

      The Edit php.ini window opens.

    2. Edit the php.ini file.

    3. Click Apply.

      QTS saves the changes.


    1. Click Restore.

      A confirmation message appears.

    2. Click OK.

      QTS restores the default php.ini file.