Creating Multiple Users

  1. Go to Control Panel > Privilege > Users.
  2. Click Create > Create Multiple Users.

    The Multiple Users Creation Wizard appears.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Specify the following information.



    User Name Prefix

    Specify a username that contains a maximum of 23 ASCII characters and that does not:

    • Contain a space

    • Begin with the following characters: - # @

    • Contain the following characters: @ " + = / \ : | * ? < > ; [ ] % ` '

    This prefix will be included before all usernames.

    Example: test

    User Name Start No

    Specify a start number with a maximum of 8 digits.

    Example: 1


    QTS removes leading zeros in starting numbers. For example, 001 becomes 1.

    Number of Users

    Specify the number of users (1–4095).

    Example: 5


    Specify a password that contains a maximum of 64 ASCII characters.


    The username format is [username prefix][user number]. The specified start number and number of users determine the user number.

    Using the examples, the users created will have the following usernames: test1, test2, test3, test4, and test5.

  5. Click Next.

    The Create Private Network Share screen appears.

  6. Optional: Create a private network share for each user.
    1. Select Yes.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Specify the following information.



    Hide network drive

    Selecting this option hides the folder in Windows networks. Users who know the specific path can still access the folder.

    Lock File (Oplocks)

    Opportunistic lock (Oplocks) is a Windows file locking mechanism that facilitates caching and access control to improve performance. This feature is enabled by default and should only be disabled in networks where multiple users simultaneously access the same files.

    Disk Volume

    Select the data volume where the private network share will be created.

    To continue without creating a private network share, select No.

  7. Click Next.

    QTS creates the user accounts and adds them to the displayed user list.

  8. Click Finish.