Modifying General Settings

  1. Click on the top-right corner.
  2. Select Settings.

    The Options window appears.

  3. Select General.
  4. Modify the following settings.



    Show hidden files on NAS

    File Station displays files and folders.

    Allow all users to create shared links

    All users can share data from the NAS using shared links.

    Show Network Recycle Bin(s)

    File Station displays the @Recycle folder in all user folders.

    Only allow the admin and administrators group to use "Share to NAS user"

    File Station prevents non-administrators from sharing files with other NAS users.

    Only allow the admin and administrators group to permanently delete files

    File Station prevents non-administrators from permanently deleting files.

    Only allow the admin and administrators group to use on-the-fly transcode

    File Station prevents non-administrators from using on-the-fly transcoding.

    Track file and folder access

    File Station allows users to track file or folder access and view information in System Access Logs.

  5. Click Close.